
Join us at the NT Konference 2023

Join us at the NT Konference 2023

This year at the NT Konference in Portorož, Slovenia, from 25th to 27th September, we'll be presenting two interesting sessions:

In Empowering Portfolio Management with Azure DevOps we will dive into the synergy of Scrum and Azure DevOps for effective Portfolio Management.

You'll learn how Azure DevOps can support multiple teams, products, and projects, ensuring each team has complete control and transparent insight into their status. You'll understand how management retains overarching control with real-time progress insights. Additionally, we'll delve into managing dependencies in a scaled environment. 

We'll demonstrate the Azure Boards built-in support for hierarchical portfolio enabled Product and Sprint backlogs and Delivery Plans.

In Unleashing Agile Transformation: A Scrum and Azure DevOps Approach we'll uncover strategies that drive consistent success.

Join us on a sustainable Agile Transformation journey. Delve into our unique approach that leverages Scrum innovatively to facilitate the introduction of Scrum and DevOps. Grasp the concept of a Scrum-based "optimization process" that aligns with the "production process." This immersive method enables teams and organizations to adapt in real-time, making iterative enhancements based on experimentation and feedback. Witness how Azure DevOps seamlessly integrates processes at every tier.

